Always wanted to be a comic artist, so here I am doing my thing.
THANK YOU to everyone who reads and enjoys my comics! It's an honour that you support ACES WILD and SLICE OF LIFE and I hope you have as much fun with them as I do.
As we head into the last third of Slice of Life I need to take a break. So Slice of Life is going to be on Hiatus for a bit.
Real life has been kicking my butt lately. Everything is more expensive, work has been crazy busy to the point where I spend most of my “free time” sleeping, and I have some family stuff coming up that I have to deal with. All this has been piling up and I struggled to get new pages finished on time while fighting obvious burnout and exhaustion. Hence, I’m taking a step back for a bit to work through stuff and relax. Partake in neglected hobbies, that sort of thing.
I will be working on Slice of Life in the background, and will probably post work-in-progress updates to my Patreon going forward until I have everything set up for Early Access Publishing again. I’ll also likely have more time to do things like update Aces Wild. Maybe draw some new things? We’ll see.
There are still 3 more Updates to be posted (May 13, May 27, June 10) so look forward to those!
Thank you to everyone who reads this series and enjoys it! You can follow me on social media for updates, other art, and some previews when I start working on SoL again.
Hey everybody! We surpassed two of the goals for INSGIVING this year, so I'll be going ahead and working on the Author Q&A as well as a "How I Make Aces Wild" post.
I've set up a google doc survey for people to submit their questions. So if you have something you want to ask, feel free! (I won't be collecting emails from this survey. You can also be anonymous if you like.)
We've reached the second Anniversary of Slice of Life's publication! So far, I'd say things are pretty on track, and I'm about to start work on Chapter 6! Thank you to everyone for reading and I hope you enjoy what's to come!
Magical Aces Merch has arrived! Are you an Ace of Hearts? Spades? Clubs? Diamonds? Maybe you just like cute (magical) outfits? Well, I have some bits and bobs for your perusal! Might I recommend stickers, magnets or buttons?
Aces Wild Book Two is a compilation of comics published from 2019-2022 about the asexual experience. Freshly revised and edited with additional essays that comment on subjects that can't be condensed down into 4 panels (as of yet).
Written as an educational tool with humour sprinkled throughout.
Rated T | for sexual themes, some vulgar language, and mentions of abuse
It's the 1 Year Anniversary of Slice of Life's Publication! I'm so thrilled I've been able to get this far with the story thus far! I hope you've been enjoying it as well, and that you'll keep reading as I see this through to the end!