Hello residents of Cricketon,
we are finally back to continue Mumbo Jumbo. We had a lot to do with applications and completing our portfolio for university. We wanted to inform you that we’ll try to get back into the routine by posting a page every two weeks for now but that might change soon~
Hello there everybody, I'm sorry to inform you that there will be no new page of MJ out today due to us both working a tight schedule. The page is almost done but not quite :< sorry for the wait! - Dila
Happy Holidays everyone ✨ We‘ll be on a small hiatus. But don’t worry, it’ll only last one week. So see you all back in Cricketon on the first Wednesday in January! 🐟 stay cozy, have a nice time during the holidays and get into the new year safely!
Hello everyone, we added a glossary to our tumblr blog. If you're interested, check it out: http://mumbojumbo-comic.tumblr.com/glossary You can also find fanart and artwork there! Thank you for reading!
In case you're interested in seeing artwork and scribbles, asking us questions directly or even submitting your own art (which we will share and credit of course) feel free to check out our tumblr blog! http://mumbojumbo-comic.tumblr.com
Hello there! We would like to thank everyone who checked out or subscribed to our comic! It's an amazing feeling to see that people enjoy it :) Have a great day!