by Daemos
Journeys of Virulea,,someone that has struggled with sleep her whole life, and the extremely vivid dreams she sometimes has.
nightmare, Action, Thriller/Horror, Slice of life
by lapomelzi
Judd Urran, a faithful follower of the Fraternity puts the last touches to the statue of the dream-god Bahamut made with the brains of the sacrificed ...
nightmare, Thriller/Horror
A lone, nameless wanderer descends into a ruin buried in the ashen deserts in search of treasure. But inside, they begin to hear a strange song echo t...
nightmare, Thriller/Horror
Some Unknown Gamer's Nightmare
by Kyonides
Travelling to an unknown place that resembles a videogame was not our lead character's goal. In fact, he hates his fate, yet, he somehow manages to su...
this story is about a girl who has bad dreams at night. it goes into another world in dreams.
nightmare, Thriller/Horror, Action, Drama
Inhumanity: Il fiore di tarassaco.
Il dottor Packer, un ricercatore medico italiano, si è specializzato nella cura dei disturbi del sonno ottenendo notevoli risultati. Alcuni dei suoi ...
nightmare, Mystery