by Crookshaw Creative

    It is an age of STEAMWORKS & SORCERY, MAGICK & MACHINERY, RANCOR & REVOLUTION. *** Join the mysterious witch LUNA LUMERE as she seeks out the l...

    anarchy, Fantasy

  • Spaceships and Vodka

    by LetsTryArtemy

    Drifting through the cosmos, a clunky trade and scavenger ship dubbed the V.C.Rasputin proceeds on its course harboring a rather motley crew. An outca...

    anarchy, Thriller/Horror, LGBTQ+, Science fiction

  • Bad Blood

    by Kyttibat

    Bad Blood is a heavily character driven story; taking place about 100 years after a strange "Lunar Phenomena", late in the 19th century, spurred unexp...

    anarchy, Fantasy

  • Emotional Quotient

    by June D. Silver

    Callum Marlowe lives in a world where having emotions is not laid out for everyone. It requires practise, discipline and a lot of patience. For those ...

    anarchy, LGBTQ+

  • Anarchy Academy

    by Dweynie

    Welcome to Anarchy Academy! A League of Legends comic.

    anarchy, Slice of life

  • Alchemiya

    by Sincria

    In a post apocalyptic world ruled where humans have bonded with the supernatural humanity must decide which organization will rule. S.I.N; who want's ...

    anarchy, Fantasy

  • Divine Divide

    by Ken Tice

    This story takes place in modern America and follows the life of a young man fighting against corrupt politicians and big businesses. From riots to on...

    anarchy, Fantasy

  • Misanthrope Morgan

    by M. A. A. Sinthe

    Morgan made a wish to eradicate humans. Didn’t think it’ll work. It did ! Well, not completly. Now the remaining humans want to “repopulate” earth. It...

    anarchy, Drama

  • Flowerpunk

    by Kaya Oldaker

    "Anarchy isn't about chaos. It's about love" In the city of Wyrdon, a supernatural plague known as "the rot" ravages the streets, slowly rotting th...

    anarchy, Romance, LGBTQ+, Fantasy

  • obviously punk rock

    by furwnarden

    Obviously Punk Rock is a satirical comic of the life and times in the political/anarchic punk rock scene.

    anarchy, Slice of life

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