3 episodes
Episode 1
Welcome to the Fire Kingdom
Dec 20, 2014538 views
Episode 2
ch1 cover
Dec 21, 2014315 views
Episode 3
Chapter 0 (complete)
Jan 06, 2015694 views
The Fire King discovers that the queen has been cheating on him and decides to declare war on the Ice Kingdom... again.
Reil, Fire Kingdom's general, bored of this endless cycle of open conflict (which leaves her too little time to slack off), decides to do something about it...
*this story was drawn a while ago (january 2012). in chapter 3, the style kinda change because I got better with the g-pen and was drawn in may 2013...*
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The Fire King discovers that the queen has been cheating on him and decides to declare war on the Ice Kingdom... again.
Reil, Fire Kingdom's general, bored of this endless cycle of open conflict (which leaves her too little time to slack off), decides to do something about it...
*this story was drawn a while ago (january 2012). in chapter 3, the style kinda change because I got better with the g-pen and was drawn in may 2013...*
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