3 episodes
Episode 1
Cover Page #01
Aug 01, 2017526 views
Episode 2
Prologue - #01
Aug 01, 2017287 views
Episode 3
Prologue - #02
Aug 11, 2017642 views
Being summoned into another world, becoming the hero, vanquish a mighty demon overlord, and return to their original world in an emotional drama separation.
It’s a common hidden desire for the teenager’s fans of fantasy works.
Although, Hiro a teenager of 17 years old doesn’t seem to have this luck.
Meanwhile his friends disappeared months ago with only an email left who say they got trapped in another world for become hero’s, Hiro have a sad and lonely life.
And one day when he wished that he sometime his friend gets everything’s. He gets summoned the same exact world but not as a hero…but as the Evil overlord greatest champion
The antihero.
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Being summoned into another world, becoming the hero, vanquish a mighty demon overlord, and return to their original world in an emotional drama separation.
It’s a common hidden desire for the teenager’s fans of fantasy works.
Although, Hiro a teenager of 17 years old doesn’t seem to have this luck.
Meanwhile his friends disappeared months ago with only an email left who say they got trapped in another world for become hero’s, Hiro have a sad and lonely life.
And one day when he wished that he sometime his friend gets everything’s. He gets summoned the same exact world but not as a hero…but as the Evil overlord greatest champion
The antihero.
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