7 episodes
Episode 1
Jun 04, 2019303 views
Episode 2
Small Children and Parks
Jun 05, 2019124 views
Episode 3
Older Sisters and Hotels
Jul 08, 201976 views
Episode 4
Jul 09, 201980 views
Episode 5
Being Clean and Exploration
Jul 09, 20195 views
Episode 6
Murder and Accusations
Jul 10, 20196 views
Episode 7
Research and Attempted Escape
Jul 21, 201984 views
Jenny Glover is a young lady who lost fifteen years of her life. Now, she's in Armistice Arcane, a hotel for the supernatural that very few could get into. What happens when she is accused of crimes she didn't remember doing, and when the people against her live in this very hotel?
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Jenny Glover is a young lady who lost fifteen years of her life. Now, she's in Armistice Arcane, a hotel for the supernatural that very few could get into. What happens when she is accused of crimes she didn't remember doing, and when the people against her live in this very hotel?
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Arna (GL)
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Fans also read
Earthwitch (The Voidgod Ascendency Book 1)
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I Love You; Goodbye.
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Fans also read
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