4 episodes
Episode 1
Apr 08, 2021173 views
Episode 2
Chapter 1
Apr 08, 202151 views
Episode 3
Chapter 2
Apr 17, 202124 views
Episode 4
Chapter 3
May 25, 202122 views
"Wh-at did just happened?"
"Did you know anything about that Yoki?"
"No, i only know about is this brush is made by my mom and gifted it on my 10th birthday"
"Oh- then maybe your mom have a power?"
"Power? We don't even belong to any clan to begin with"
"But how did your mom became my parents friend if she didn't have any clan?"
"Yoki, how about asking the other clan about this and we don't have to ask my parents or else they will suspect us"
"Hmm, are you willing to help me?"
"Yes ofcourse dimwit"
Will "Yoki" find out about this mysterious brush of his?
Will the other clan tell them about it?
How will their investigation end up?
Will they be satisfied with the answers that the clan gave to them?
Will they still be together on the investigation?
Warning: Grammatical error ahead
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"Wh-at did just happened?"
"Did you know anything about that Yoki?"
"No, i only know about is this brush is made by my mom and gifted it on my 10th birthday"
"Oh- then maybe your mom have a power?"
"Power? We don't even belong to any clan to begin with"
"But how did your mom became my parents friend if she didn't have any clan?"
"Yoki, how about asking the other clan about this and we don't have to ask my parents or else they will suspect us"
"Hmm, are you willing to help me?"
"Yes ofcourse dimwit"
Will "Yoki" find out about this mysterious brush of his?
Will the other clan tell them about it?
How will their investigation end up?
Will they be satisfied with the answers that the clan gave to them?
Will they still be together on the investigation?
Warning: Grammatical error ahead
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