4 episodes
Episode 1
01 – Broken Doll (Part 1)
Apr 15, 20218 views
Episode 2
01 – Broken Doll (Part 2)
Apr 15, 20212 views
Episode 3
02 – The Best of Stories, The Worst of Stories (Part 1)
Apr 15, 20210 views
Episode 4
02 – The Best of Stories, The Worst of Stories (Part 2)
Apr 15, 20211 view
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Any sufficiently disguised magic is indistinguishable from technology.
Sometimes, magic and technology don’t play together well – Which is bullshit, because a stick, used correctly is technology – are you telling me magic can’t affect a stick?
Sometimes, magic and technology sing together, and this is the case here.
The Agency – created by beings you may as well call gods – is staffed by beings equal parts fairy dust and post-singularity technology. Men that are magic and machine without that being a contradiction.
They protect the masquerade, keeping human and fae apart – to the general benefit of both groups.
We like the Agency. They wear suits and they’re fancy. Once upon a time, Agent Ryan rescued a child – and twenty years later, after meeting her again, adopted Stef, because they were each the family they were missing.
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Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Any sufficiently disguised magic is indistinguishable from technology.
Sometimes, magic and technology don’t play together well – Which is bullshit, because a stick, used correctly is technology – are you telling me magic can’t affect a stick?
Sometimes, magic and technology sing together, and this is the case here.
The Agency – created by beings you may as well call gods – is staffed by beings equal parts fairy dust and post-singularity technology. Men that are magic and machine without that being a contradiction.
They protect the masquerade, keeping human and fae apart – to the general benefit of both groups.
We like the Agency. They wear suits and they’re fancy. Once upon a time, Agent Ryan rescued a child – and twenty years later, after meeting her again, adopted Stef, because they were each the family they were missing.
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