This story takes place in an alternate version of our Earth where many aspects of modern day exist alongside magic and monsters. The setting is partially inspired by shounen anime, and borrows some concepts from those works.
This tale centers around a teenager named Dorian Vex and his friends, who are starting their freshman year at Qrowdell Academy. This is a magic high school that prepares students for careers as Pro Battlemages, who serve as magical heroes and monster hunters. The teens are split into three-person teams, each overseen by a mentor. Periodically throughout their education, students undergo various Combat Trials, which serve as exams.
But how does magic work in this world? I’m glad you asked!
According to old legends, the Ancients crossed over from the Fae Realm into the Mortal Realm and mated with Faeless (non-magical humans), producing offspring who eventually came to be known as Otherkin. These Mortal/Fae hybrids had a unique biology that gave them the Fae Sense, which allowed them to feel, channel, and control the flow of Mana in the world around them. The influence of magic even caused some Otherkin bloodlines to diverge into subraces, such as elves, dwarves, orcs, goblins, faeries, catfolk, dogfolk, etc.
Mana is naturally invisible, but once it is channeled through a person or object, it can shift into various colors based on the caster's personality and/or how they perceive the meaning of the colors in their mind.
Before the Ancients returned to the Fae Realm, they bestowed two final gifts upon their children:
First, they created the Sapphire Moon, a smaller, secondary moon made out of blue crystal. They embedded this structure with the knowledge of their language, which came to be known as the Arcane Tongue. This allowed mages to create incantations and runic inscriptions, using this new moon as a focus to generate much more complex and precise magical effects. The Sapphire Moon created trails of Mana as it orbited the Earth, allowing mages to tap into this Moonweave from anywhere on the planet.
Second, they created the Chromatic Flame, a multi-colored essence of enormous power. They chose one worthy Otherkin warrior and bestowed this power upon him, thus beginning the Luminary Cycle. Each Luminary would serve as the world’s greatest hero, and would eventually hand the power down to a chosen successor. The Chromatic Flame was passed from master to apprentice for thousands of years…
Until one fateful night ten years ago…
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