5 episodes
Episode 1
Caitiff Meat Part 1.1
Jun 21, 2017519 views
Episode 2
Caitiff Meat Part 1.2
Jul 12, 2017179 views
Episode 3
Caitiff Meat Part 1.3
Jul 17, 2017175 views
Episode 4
Jul 23, 2017152 views
Episode 5
Important Info!
Sep 05, 2017419 views
Welcome to Santa Monica!
This comic follows the adventures of five more than different vampires who find themselfs in a battle between two powerful vampires. Not knowing where their path leads them, they have to accept their fate and play along to the evil scemes...
This comic is an adaptation of a Vampire: The Masquerade Chronicle, we played with some friends, but it has been transformed so much to be it's own work.
Drafts were done by my friend Nele (fancyneoe), Story, Lineart and Colouring were done by me.
Nele's Instagram: www.instagram.com/fancyneoe/
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Welcome to Santa Monica!
This comic follows the adventures of five more than different vampires who find themselfs in a battle between two powerful vampires. Not knowing where their path leads them, they have to accept their fate and play along to the evil scemes...
This comic is an adaptation of a Vampire: The Masquerade Chronicle, we played with some friends, but it has been transformed so much to be it's own work.
Drafts were done by my friend Nele (fancyneoe), Story, Lineart and Colouring were done by me.
Nele's Instagram: www.instagram.com/fancyneoe/
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