7 episodes
Episode 1
Chapter 1 : Intro
Jan 20, 2019367 views
Episode 2
Chapter 2
Jan 20, 2019156 views
Episode 3
Chapter 3
Jan 20, 2019151 views
Episode 4
Chapter 4
Jan 22, 2019165 views
Episode 5
Chapter 5 : Congress Of Mariandel
Jan 31, 2019123 views
Episode 6
Chapter 6
Feb 11, 2019165 views
Episode 7
Chapter 7
Feb 21, 2019161 views
Reingar is a fantasy world of sword and magic, its so peaceful that even in the history of Reingar there is only 3 record of war, there is 4 grand kingdom to maintain the peace of Reingar,those kingdom are Rohan, Igrest, Morkodia, and Dorendil
each grand kingdom represent the attribute of life
Rohan the four element, Igrest the light, Morkodia the dark, and Dorendil the death
our mc Michelle is a boy who didn't remember his life before he was turned 7 years old, his past life is full of mystery, but his mystery itself that will made him face the future.
he will lead Morkodia kingdom and venture the world as a king, the "Dark King" to be exact.
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Reingar is a fantasy world of sword and magic, its so peaceful that even in the history of Reingar there is only 3 record of war, there is 4 grand kingdom to maintain the peace of Reingar,those kingdom are Rohan, Igrest, Morkodia, and Dorendil
each grand kingdom represent the attribute of life
Rohan the four element, Igrest the light, Morkodia the dark, and Dorendil the death
our mc Michelle is a boy who didn't remember his life before he was turned 7 years old, his past life is full of mystery, but his mystery itself that will made him face the future.
he will lead Morkodia kingdom and venture the world as a king, the "Dark King" to be exact.
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