8 episodes
Episode 1
Ch.1: Fortuna
Oct 31, 2019537 views
Episode 2
Ch 2: Ignis
Nov 30, 201931 views
Episode 3
Ch 3: Reunion
Dec 31, 2019179 views
Episode 4
Ch 4: New Beginings
Feb 29, 2020162 views
Episode 5
Ch 5: Cliffhangers
Mar 31, 2020145 views
Episode 6
Chapter 6: Mistery
Oct 31, 2020125 views
Episode 7
Ch 7: Adela
Mar 31, 2022130 views
Episode 8
Chapter 8
Aug 31, 2022130 views
A world ruled by a species of dragons called the Draconids, the first of their kind and considered Gods by many. Each Draconid rule one a kingdom, in total there are 13 and in each kingdom a traditional pact must be made to maitain the balance of what that Draconid stands for.
However, after the attack of Fortuna things changed.
Florence Nom was one of the survivors of the attack alongside her two younger siblings and a witch.
Florence, alongside a group of competent individuals end up going on a journey to find out what is disrupting the balance of the world they live in ordered by the king of the 13th Kingdom
A dark fantasy comic that will contain violence, blood, death and many more controverstial and nsfw subjects.
Cover, banner and all the rest is temporary. I'll make new ones.
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A world ruled by a species of dragons called the Draconids, the first of their kind and considered Gods by many. Each Draconid rule one a kingdom, in total there are 13 and in each kingdom a traditional pact must be made to maitain the balance of what that Draconid stands for.
However, after the attack of Fortuna things changed.
Florence Nom was one of the survivors of the attack alongside her two younger siblings and a witch.
Florence, alongside a group of competent individuals end up going on a journey to find out what is disrupting the balance of the world they live in ordered by the king of the 13th Kingdom
A dark fantasy comic that will contain violence, blood, death and many more controverstial and nsfw subjects.
Cover, banner and all the rest is temporary. I'll make new ones.
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