4 episodes
Episode 1
Chapter One- Unwanted Dreams
Aug 07, 2021444 views
Episode 2
Chapter Two- To Slay the Dragon
Sep 05, 2021158 views
Episode 3
Chapter Three- The Roads Less Travel By
Nov 30, 2021201 views
Episode 4
Sep 30, 202267 views
Imagine having the abilities of a fantasy creature, how would you use that power? In the States of Draco there exist an elite force known as the Dragon Air Service, in which it's members have amalgamated themselves with the legendary beast known as dragons. Fusing together with the dragon's essence known as the "heart" of the dragon, these soldiers obtain unimaginable power. Such power can be a great source of good, or manifest perverse abomination. For Samantha Martio, obtaining the heart of a dragon is only the beginning to the journey in following her late uncle's footsteps. Will she follow the path of a hero, or will it consume her. Embark on her journey in the Dragon Air Service.
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Hey Everyone!
Who are we? Just a duo of two novice story tellers trying to entertain our audience the best way how; with a good story!
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Los Hermanos PerezRead more
Imagine having the abilities of a fantasy creature, how would you use that power? In the States of Draco there exist an elite force known as the Dragon Air Service, in which it's members have amalgamated themselves with the legendary beast known as dragons. Fusing together with the dragon's essence known as the "heart" of the dragon, these soldiers obtain unimaginable power. Such power can be a great source of good, or manifest perverse abomination. For Samantha Martio, obtaining the heart of a dragon is only the beginning to the journey in following her late uncle's footsteps. Will she follow the path of a hero, or will it consume her. Embark on her journey in the Dragon Air Service.
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