4 episodes
Episode 1
scene 001 - a gift of eyeglasses
Jan 31, 2022246 views
Episode 2
scene 002 - they’re not who you thought
Jan 31, 2022117 views
Episode 3
scene 003 - mission time
Feb 06, 202288 views
Episode 4
Feb 13, 2022115 views
Afyuli Aßie was gifted eyeglasses from their best friend, April Gibbs. Those glasses let Afyui see what the world was really like. But when April puts the glasses on herself, she can’t see what they are talking about. So, it's up to Afyuli to figure out why they are seeing mythical creatures through the eyeglass.
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Afyuli Aßie was gifted eyeglasses from their best friend, April Gibbs. Those glasses let Afyui see what the world was really like. But when April puts the glasses on herself, she can’t see what they are talking about. So, it's up to Afyuli to figure out why they are seeing mythical creatures through the eyeglass.
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