3 episodes
Episode 1
May 12, 2022196 views
Episode 2
Post-Rejetion Blues
May 16, 202287 views
Episode 3
May 23, 202275 views
This is decidedly the worst week she's had in months.
Recently rejected by her crush, Mia doesn't feel much better when she realizes that she's lost the journal containing all her notes and ideas for new recipes.
Now she's got to deal with the silent -and completely unwanted - sympathy she's getting from her ex-crush, recreating her recipes without the journal, and the constant influx of essays and paperwork to do for classes she didn't even want to attend!
Everything's seems to be going downhill and the only thing Mia wants right now is to stay in bed and never get up again. Until she gets a call from someone saying that they found her journal, that is. Suddenly her week is doing a complete 180°.
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This is decidedly the worst week she's had in months.
Recently rejected by her crush, Mia doesn't feel much better when she realizes that she's lost the journal containing all her notes and ideas for new recipes.
Now she's got to deal with the silent -and completely unwanted - sympathy she's getting from her ex-crush, recreating her recipes without the journal, and the constant influx of essays and paperwork to do for classes she didn't even want to attend!
Everything's seems to be going downhill and the only thing Mia wants right now is to stay in bed and never get up again. Until she gets a call from someone saying that they found her journal, that is. Suddenly her week is doing a complete 180°.
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