8 episodes
Episode 1
Nov 08, 2017252 views
Episode 2
Insert Nue
Nov 10, 2017122 views
Episode 3
Nov 17, 2017100 views
Episode 4
Nov 24, 201795 views
Episode 5
Random Encounter!
Dec 01, 201797 views
Episode 6
And.. Fight!
Dec 08, 201799 views
Episode 7
Witch Cast
Dec 15, 2017193 views
Episode 8
Hollow Victory?
Nov 24, 2018205 views
After the Pandora virus wiped out most life in the multiverse, some of the humans on Earth-47 never woke up.
Their bodies slept, but as their brains atrophied, a super scientist realized the proper treatment: Immersion in a Virtual Reality so real it could fool anyone.
Jan is an adventurer who was a child when she got sick. Now a young woman, she fights what every gamer fights: boredom.
A cure has been discovered, but in every case the patient has rejected reality in favor of the game.
Enter Zipper Jack, in the form of Jan's pet. He's working inside G414 to convince humans, or at least some of the humans, to return to the real world.
After all, what is so bad about the world that you have to retreat?
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After the Pandora virus wiped out most life in the multiverse, some of the humans on Earth-47 never woke up.
Their bodies slept, but as their brains atrophied, a super scientist realized the proper treatment: Immersion in a Virtual Reality so real it could fool anyone.
Jan is an adventurer who was a child when she got sick. Now a young woman, she fights what every gamer fights: boredom.
A cure has been discovered, but in every case the patient has rejected reality in favor of the game.
Enter Zipper Jack, in the form of Jan's pet. He's working inside G414 to convince humans, or at least some of the humans, to return to the real world.
After all, what is so bad about the world that you have to retreat?
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