6 episodes
Episode 1
Chapter 1: A Dog named Cotton
Aug 26, 2024401 views
Episode 2
Chapter 2: The Proposition
Aug 28, 2024151 views
Episode 3
Chapter 3: Ambush!
Aug 30, 202494 views
Episode 4
Chapter 4: Escape!
Sep 02, 202449 views
Episode 5
Chapter 5: Cotton's (Reluctant) New Home
Sep 04, 202450 views
Episode 6
Chapter 6: Cotton and Oli
Sep 08, 202462 views
Millions of years ago, there existed a race known as Lunites. Wolf looking creatures with superhuman levels of speed and strength that threatened the existence of man before they disappeared out of existence.
Centuries later in the year 2016, their legacy has been unknowingly inherited in Cotton, a Young Pomeranian who has spent most of her life as a stray, reeking havoc across New York City and getting into fights with larger stray gangs. For most of her life, she believed would always be alone, the trauma of her past pushing her into self isolation.
This all changes after a series of events lands Cotton in the arms of a loving family, and the prime target of an organization who wants to use her powers for evil. Cotton must now fight them to project her new found family and the world from mortal danger, while also unlocking her true potential as a Lunite.
(Note: This story is apart of the same series as Crescent Blue, but you do not need to read that series in order to have an understanding of what's happening in the story)
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Millions of years ago, there existed a race known as Lunites. Wolf looking creatures with superhuman levels of speed and strength that threatened the existence of man before they disappeared out of existence.
Centuries later in the year 2016, their legacy has been unknowingly inherited in Cotton, a Young Pomeranian who has spent most of her life as a stray, reeking havoc across New York City and getting into fights with larger stray gangs. For most of her life, she believed would always be alone, the trauma of her past pushing her into self isolation.
This all changes after a series of events lands Cotton in the arms of a loving family, and the prime target of an organization who wants to use her powers for evil. Cotton must now fight them to project her new found family and the world from mortal danger, while also unlocking her true potential as a Lunite.
(Note: This story is apart of the same series as Crescent Blue, but you do not need to read that series in order to have an understanding of what's happening in the story)
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