1 episode
The first deal ever made was between The Devil and God. Hell was given to The Devil in this deal. A deal between God and The Devil, what could go wrong?
Humans were the cause of this deal, before hell was created The Devil was on God's side as his favorite son. But when the first two humans were created, God's love and attention were taken by them. The Devil could always get away with anything that is until the humans were created.
The first deal was made and the second one was to keep everything hidden from the humans. Centuries go by on Earth and in Hell and not a single human has figured hell out. But Hell's Blood Moon has begun to lose its glow.
Can one human's plan be enough to save Hell? How does a college student and a Devil play in this? Will they be able to change anything by pairing up?
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The first deal ever made was between The Devil and God. Hell was given to The Devil in this deal. A deal between God and The Devil, what could go wrong?
Humans were the cause of this deal, before hell was created The Devil was on God's side as his favorite son. But when the first two humans were created, God's love and attention were taken by them. The Devil could always get away with anything that is until the humans were created.
The first deal was made and the second one was to keep everything hidden from the humans. Centuries go by on Earth and in Hell and not a single human has figured hell out. But Hell's Blood Moon has begun to lose its glow.
Can one human's plan be enough to save Hell? How does a college student and a Devil play in this? Will they be able to change anything by pairing up?
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