Hire Lernin': An Idealist's Quest through the Realm of for-Profit Education
5 episodes
Episode 1
Front Matter and Author's Note
Jul 18, 202357 views
Episode 2
Chapter 1: Dreamers Dream Until They are Awakened
Jul 18, 202330 views
Episode 3
The Interview: Part I
Jul 19, 202327 views
Episode 4
The interview - Part II
Jul 19, 202319 views
Episode 5
The Interview - Part III
Jul 19, 202321 views
This novel involves the bittersweet journey of a young, idealistic, naïve attorney who takes on the role of academic dean at a for-profit business school in New York City in the late 1980s knowing very little about the industry. Unable to accept the way things are, he immediately launches into a personal quest to change lives for the better in an environment where only the bottom-line matters. Hard work and an entrepreneurial spirit quickly propel him to professional success, but at a deep personal cost in the process as he learns critical life-altering lessons about himself, about leadership, about for-profit and not-for-profit higher education, and about love.
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This novel involves the bittersweet journey of a young, idealistic, naïve attorney who takes on the role of academic dean at a for-profit business school in New York City in the late 1980s knowing very little about the industry. Unable to accept the way things are, he immediately launches into a personal quest to change lives for the better in an environment where only the bottom-line matters. Hard work and an entrepreneurial spirit quickly propel him to professional success, but at a deep personal cost in the process as he learns critical life-altering lessons about himself, about leadership, about for-profit and not-for-profit higher education, and about love.
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