2 episodes
Not much food. It doesn't come, is given. Given by the Bringer. The one who brings in food. Large wriggling things for me to pounce. Nothing to store either. Only enough to keep me alive. Nothing to satiate. I don't even like the wriggly things. Not good food. I want, cockroaches. I want, crickets. The Bringer brought something else with no food. I am hungry, but this flaily thing is too big for me to eat. It will be Flail, yes, Flail is what I call it. Flail is too big to eat, big enough to hurt me, I'll keep my watch and stay in my space. Flail won't hurt me no, not while I watch.
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Not much food. It doesn't come, is given. Given by the Bringer. The one who brings in food. Large wriggling things for me to pounce. Nothing to store either. Only enough to keep me alive. Nothing to satiate. I don't even like the wriggly things. Not good food. I want, cockroaches. I want, crickets. The Bringer brought something else with no food. I am hungry, but this flaily thing is too big for me to eat. It will be Flail, yes, Flail is what I call it. Flail is too big to eat, big enough to hurt me, I'll keep my watch and stay in my space. Flail won't hurt me no, not while I watch.
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