9 episodes
Episode 1
If I met: Walker
Jul 15, 2015965 views
Episode 2
If I met: Shar
Jul 17, 2015690 views
Episode 3
If I met: Raven
Jul 20, 2015699 views
Episode 4
If I met: Skylark
Jul 23, 2015618 views
Episode 5
If I Met: The Empress
Aug 08, 2015576 views
Episode 6
I am a bad person
Aug 24, 2015458 views
Episode 7
If I Met: Cobalt
Aug 24, 2015515 views
Episode 8
If I Met: Kai
Oct 02, 2015571 views
Episode 9
If I Met: The Sabre Family
Jan 04, 2016777 views
Imagine what would happen if a comic or manga artist was forced to answer to their own creations?!
Fate will kick me in the teeth for filling my series' full of mean and weird characters, as I have to spend a day with each of them!
(Check out Nightshade if you haven't already! www.nightshade-manga.com)
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Imagine what would happen if a comic or manga artist was forced to answer to their own creations?!
Fate will kick me in the teeth for filling my series' full of mean and weird characters, as I have to spend a day with each of them!
(Check out Nightshade if you haven't already! www.nightshade-manga.com)
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Pucca: What's Yours is Mine
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