134 episodes
Episode 1
Jun 06, 2020362 views
Episode 2
Can't Change the Past
Jun 06, 2020121 views
Episode 3
One Wins Or We Both Die
Jun 07, 2020106 views
Episode 4
A Long Story
Jun 10, 2020109 views
Episode 5
Demon Holiday
Jun 11, 2020120 views
Episode 6
Jun 13, 202091 views
Episode 7
Summoning Demons
Jun 14, 2020116 views
Episode 8
Deals With Demons
Jun 15, 202092 views
Episode 9
Uneasy Truce
Jun 16, 202095 views
Episode 10
Possession Is 9/10s Of The Law
Jun 17, 2020110 views
Episode 11
A Demon's Heart
Jun 18, 2020113 views
Episode 12
Jun 19, 2020105 views
Episode 13
A Demon's Promise
Jun 20, 2020113 views
Episode 14
To Train a Demon
Jun 21, 2020122 views
Episode 15
Bloody Demons
Jun 22, 202096 views
Episode 16
Desires of the Flesh
Jun 23, 2020112 views
Episode 17
Of Mages and Angels
Jun 24, 2020141 views
Episode 18
Jun 25, 2020107 views
Episode 19
Jun 26, 202010 views
Episode 20
Demonology 101
Jun 26, 2020107 views
"They say the eyes are the window to the soul" The creature purrs as its talons dig into my face, tearing out my eye and pulling away half of my face. "But I find the chest is an easier access point"...
How could it be that those slitted eyes that I once found so terrifying, I now found so comforting?
A hungry demon tries to devour a girl after being brought to the brink of death himself. Instead of absorbing her soul and body as he intended, her soul somehow rips in half, and now each of them carries half of her soul. They are now two parts of the same being, two bodies, one soul. Connected by a soul that longs to be whole again but is trapped, permanently separated. Hunted by Hell, Heaven and Earth alike, their minds, memories and thoughts keep merging, and worse, their relationship keeps getting more tangled as time goes on. How will they get out of this mess, and do they even want to?
Written from the point of view of both characters, there are a lot of switches back and forth and mingling of their thoughts/minds/emotions. There are also many memory and time hops as these chapters will be written in a train of thought style. This may be confusing for some readers.
Advisory for gore, violence, mature content, language
Book of the In Dreams series, search Tapas for more.
Uncensored version now available on Google Play Books
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"They say the eyes are the window to the soul" The creature purrs as its talons dig into my face, tearing out my eye and pulling away half of my face. "But I find the chest is an easier access point"...
How could it be that those slitted eyes that I once found so terrifying, I now found so comforting?
A hungry demon tries to devour a girl after being brought to the brink of death himself. Instead of absorbing her soul and body as he intended, her soul somehow rips in half, and now each of them carries half of her soul. They are now two parts of the same being, two bodies, one soul. Connected by a soul that longs to be whole again but is trapped, permanently separated. Hunted by Hell, Heaven and Earth alike, their minds, memories and thoughts keep merging, and worse, their relationship keeps getting more tangled as time goes on. How will they get out of this mess, and do they even want to?
Written from the point of view of both characters, there are a lot of switches back and forth and mingling of their thoughts/minds/emotions. There are also many memory and time hops as these chapters will be written in a train of thought style. This may be confusing for some readers.
Advisory for gore, violence, mature content, language
Book of the In Dreams series, search Tapas for more.
Uncensored version now available on Google Play Books
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In Dreams: Bleed Out
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Arna (GL)
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Earthwitch (The Voidgod Ascendency Book 1)
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I Love You; Goodbye.
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