2 episodes
Pierce, your average post-apocalyptic teen, is quite accustomed to trudging through the ash-laden fields of The Abyss. As heiress-elect, she stands to inherit her father’s kingdom one day—from one end of the world to the other—though she could hardly pass as a princess. After the war that ended it all, her family was the last in a long list of leaders left alive to take over. But when a jarring turn of events strips her of her title and hurls her into a new world, Pierce finds herself struggling to survive.
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Pierce, your average post-apocalyptic teen, is quite accustomed to trudging through the ash-laden fields of The Abyss. As heiress-elect, she stands to inherit her father’s kingdom one day—from one end of the world to the other—though she could hardly pass as a princess. After the war that ended it all, her family was the last in a long list of leaders left alive to take over. But when a jarring turn of events strips her of her title and hurls her into a new world, Pierce finds herself struggling to survive.
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