7 episodes
Episode 1
It's Sunset. (Hiachisukusama)
May 06, 2023588 views
Episode 2
Lost in Tragedy.
May 06, 2023176 views
Episode 3
Ghostly Xiao ( 小 )
May 06, 202310 views
Episode 4
May 06, 2023119 views
Episode 5
Thank You! <3
May 07, 2023138 views
Episode 6
May 10, 2023179 views
Episode 7
Chapter 5 (Fallen at Seas)
May 31, 2023129 views
Ever experienced Yokai? Japan is full of them. I despised them ever since they killed my uncle and made my father live the rest of his life in misery. This is my vengeful spirit writing in this journal. If it is ever found- be warned for laying a single foot on my family’s farm, for it is cursed. I’ve always thought that it was Japan’s fault for having all these stupid myths, but it was my family’s farm in this entirety. Ever since my grandmother passed away, strange activity has been happening around our village, and home. My mother suspected it might’ve been angry spirits we had to respect. We respect them with our lives. Offer what we couldn’t afford. What do they give back? Misery. Suffering. I haven’t believed in many of our cultures. Could that be why they had to be so angry? How was this happening? So many questions. Not much answers. I have dealt with other yokai. Such as Aka Manto, Kuchisaki Onna, Teke Teke, and much more. Hiachisukusama was the first yokai I’ve experienced.
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Ever experienced Yokai? Japan is full of them. I despised them ever since they killed my uncle and made my father live the rest of his life in misery. This is my vengeful spirit writing in this journal. If it is ever found- be warned for laying a single foot on my family’s farm, for it is cursed. I’ve always thought that it was Japan’s fault for having all these stupid myths, but it was my family’s farm in this entirety. Ever since my grandmother passed away, strange activity has been happening around our village, and home. My mother suspected it might’ve been angry spirits we had to respect. We respect them with our lives. Offer what we couldn’t afford. What do they give back? Misery. Suffering. I haven’t believed in many of our cultures. Could that be why they had to be so angry? How was this happening? So many questions. Not much answers. I have dealt with other yokai. Such as Aka Manto, Kuchisaki Onna, Teke Teke, and much more. Hiachisukusama was the first yokai I’ve experienced.
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