1 episode
Coming soon!
Kayle Kokoro, feared by many, is a member of The BlackBelts. She's unbeatable, untouchable… until...
When the new guy Dylan Grey enters the picture, he is the only one who is unafraid of her.
Finding love is like navigating a maze, with twists, turns, and unexpected surprises at every corner.
Sometimes, it's right in front of you, waiting to be discovered. Other times, it's a journey of self-discovery...
And sometimes, it takes an InviHeart to experience to fall in love for the very first time.
Story by Valerie Diestro Art by Sphomont
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Hi, everyone! I appreciate your support and inks! Every ink is helpful. Thank you for those who'll give me ink. :) It's a wonderful feeling to see your support. My dream is to keep writing stories and hopefully, one day I can published a book. I'm looking forward for that day to happen. Love and peace to all of you and take care always.
Coming soon!
Kayle Kokoro, feared by many, is a member of The BlackBelts. She's unbeatable, untouchable… until...
When the new guy Dylan Grey enters the picture, he is the only one who is unafraid of her.
Finding love is like navigating a maze, with twists, turns, and unexpected surprises at every corner.
Sometimes, it's right in front of you, waiting to be discovered. Other times, it's a journey of self-discovery...
And sometimes, it takes an InviHeart to experience to fall in love for the very first time.
Story by Valerie Diestro Art by Sphomont
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