1 episode
A world once existed that was balanced and at peace. Ruled by the Lion
King Panda, all in his Kingdom enjoyed a peaceful and balanced world....
Until the legend was delivered that two sons would be born unto two kings.
The last of the Black Panda bloodline. These sons would decide the fate of
all in this land. The first born would have first choice in his path. This
choice would either continue balance or disrupt it. Ursus was born first, two
hundred years before the son of the Lion King Panda, and raised under the
hand of a fallen king who cared only for the wealthy and sought to rid the
land of those deemed "unworthy". With this upbringing, Ursus grew to be
the hand of destruction and forge forward taking over the Six Kingdoms of
Equality. Jai-Den, born two hundred years later, is hidden by monks after
the fall of his mighty fathers kingdom. The monks raise him, the last pure
blooded of his kind, teaching him the martial arts, magic, understanding of
chi energies and compassion. All an attempt to prepare him for the day
when he will have to rise to reclaim the land for the people, to restore
balance and defeat Ursus. This is the story of where the Legend of the
Black Pandas begins.
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A world once existed that was balanced and at peace. Ruled by the Lion
King Panda, all in his Kingdom enjoyed a peaceful and balanced world....
Until the legend was delivered that two sons would be born unto two kings.
The last of the Black Panda bloodline. These sons would decide the fate of
all in this land. The first born would have first choice in his path. This
choice would either continue balance or disrupt it. Ursus was born first, two
hundred years before the son of the Lion King Panda, and raised under the
hand of a fallen king who cared only for the wealthy and sought to rid the
land of those deemed "unworthy". With this upbringing, Ursus grew to be
the hand of destruction and forge forward taking over the Six Kingdoms of
Equality. Jai-Den, born two hundred years later, is hidden by monks after
the fall of his mighty fathers kingdom. The monks raise him, the last pure
blooded of his kind, teaching him the martial arts, magic, understanding of
chi energies and compassion. All an attempt to prepare him for the day
when he will have to rise to reclaim the land for the people, to restore
balance and defeat Ursus. This is the story of where the Legend of the
Black Pandas begins.
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