7 episodes
Episode 1
Prologue: A Roaring Symphony
Nov 06, 2019841 views
Episode 2
1: Lira
Nov 20, 2019244 views
Episode 3
2: Blue and Yellow
Aug 05, 2022167 views
Episode 4
3: Saints and Pawns
Aug 12, 2022161 views
Episode 5
4: The Mysterious Case of Mr. and Mrs. Alvez
Aug 19, 2022117 views
Episode 6
5: Into the Vipers' Nest
Aug 26, 2022133 views
Episode 7
6: Vega, Pt. 1
Sep 16, 2022118 views
Enter Venera, a floating human colony on the clouds of Venus! Branded as a refuge for terrorists and marked for destruction by Earth's mighty military fleet, its citizens will stop at nothing to survive the coming apocalypse.
Join Linaria "Lira" Fari, chance leader of Venera's last stand, on her quest to save not just the people of the Colony but also her own wavering faith in humanity. Can she muster their forces in time to pull off the impossible? Can she outwit her enemies from all sides, before the lights go out on Veneran clouds?
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Enter Venera, a floating human colony on the clouds of Venus! Branded as a refuge for terrorists and marked for destruction by Earth's mighty military fleet, its citizens will stop at nothing to survive the coming apocalypse.
Join Linaria "Lira" Fari, chance leader of Venera's last stand, on her quest to save not just the people of the Colony but also her own wavering faith in humanity. Can she muster their forces in time to pull off the impossible? Can she outwit her enemies from all sides, before the lights go out on Veneran clouds?
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