3 episodes
Episode 1
Ch 1 Clever Roommate
Dec 06, 2019306 views
Episode 2
Ch 2 A little crazy
Dec 07, 201989 views
Episode 3
Ch 3 no really
Dec 07, 201986 views
Small town schools always have their secrets, and this one ain’t any different. Behind the school is a frog-filled puddle big enough to be a pond. Most likely the frogs came from students freeing the poor things from being dissected in biology. If you look closely enough you will see a pair of eyes sticking out from the water, connected to a frog-like face under the surface. Lockers rattle throughout the halls and certain students look up from their desks, knowing something is coming. The students of Whoa High are about to learn the pain of fairy tales through personal experience.
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Small town schools always have their secrets, and this one ain’t any different. Behind the school is a frog-filled puddle big enough to be a pond. Most likely the frogs came from students freeing the poor things from being dissected in biology. If you look closely enough you will see a pair of eyes sticking out from the water, connected to a frog-like face under the surface. Lockers rattle throughout the halls and certain students look up from their desks, knowing something is coming. The students of Whoa High are about to learn the pain of fairy tales through personal experience.
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