6 episodes
Episode 1
The sapphire ring
Sep 30, 2019591 views
Episode 2
The mindless idea
Oct 02, 2019175 views
Episode 3
The deal
Oct 09, 2019125 views
Episode 4
The mansion
Oct 14, 2019132 views
Episode 5
The Husky
Oct 17, 2019170 views
Episode 6
The rumor
Oct 18, 2019164 views
Beware, my inktober challenge... IN WEBCOMIC FORM
I've beaten the challenge before, but this time I leveled it up. Would I able to keep it up? Let's see.
By the way, this story keeps the official inktober prompt list, in order. Would you be able to figure out what's happening next with this clue?
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I can't believe I reached the amount of subs to ublock this feature, now, is time to reach the harder goal, gets someones that would actually tip me. Woah?
Beware, my inktober challenge... IN WEBCOMIC FORM
I've beaten the challenge before, but this time I leveled it up. Would I able to keep it up? Let's see.
By the way, this story keeps the official inktober prompt list, in order. Would you be able to figure out what's happening next with this clue?
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