2 episodes
There is something horribly wrong with Kane Worthy, and that's all Risk knows. Why did Kane try to kill him? What can Risk possibly do to save his friend, if anything?
After waking up at a school for Spellcasters, he finds himself surrounded by unfamiliar people, including some who are oddly friendly toward him. But there's a chance these strange people could help him find the answers about Kane, and maybe even help him learn a thing or two about a world that's much bigger than Risk ever realized.
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There is something horribly wrong with Kane Worthy, and that's all Risk knows. Why did Kane try to kill him? What can Risk possibly do to save his friend, if anything?
After waking up at a school for Spellcasters, he finds himself surrounded by unfamiliar people, including some who are oddly friendly toward him. But there's a chance these strange people could help him find the answers about Kane, and maybe even help him learn a thing or two about a world that's much bigger than Risk ever realized.
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