17 episodes
Episode 1
Chapter 1: Scene 1: Shawn Woodward & Pat
Apr 07, 2023273 views
Episode 2
Chapter 1: Episode 2: Of course he's late
Apr 08, 202392 views
Episode 3
Chapter 1: Scene 3: New Galloway
Apr 10, 202388 views
Episode 4
Chapter 2: Scene 1: The Troll's Cave
Apr 12, 202395 views
Episode 5
Chapter 2: Scene 2: At Grandma's
Apr 18, 202388 views
Episode 6
Chapter 2: Scene 3: The Mushroom Warriors
Apr 23, 202379 views
Episode 7
Chapter 3: Scene 1: Manchester
May 05, 202380 views
Episode 8
May 12, 202374 views
Episode 9
Chapter 3: Scene 2: Lab Work
May 17, 202370 views
Episode 10
Chapter 3: Scene 3: The Office
May 23, 202373 views
Episode 11
Chapter 3: Scene 4: Timur Petrov
May 31, 202367 views
Episode 12
Chapter 4: Scene 1: The Magic Mushroom Trip
Jun 12, 202369 views
Episode 13
Chapter 4: Scene 2: Neglect & Resistance
Jul 16, 202389 views
Episode 14
Chapter 4: Scene 3: Purple Eyes
Jul 23, 202362 views
Episode 15
Chapter 4: Scene 4: Memories
Aug 07, 202352 views
Episode 16
Chapter 4: Scene 5: Gummies
Aug 26, 202354 views
Episode 17
Chapter 5: Scene 1: Of course he's late
Sep 08, 202350 views
A young English mycologist with a passion for truth and science is somewhat apprehensively looking for his place in society and life after a youth of bullying and domestic troubles.
When the Russian CEO of "AI Corp" prepares for an invasion by a multi-planetary species through the development of artificial intelligence, Shawn is contacted by a hidden fungal alliance.
Now with the help of his mentor and the fungal beings, he has to surpass human limits to stop the invasion and save the lives of his friend, family, and ultimately all mankind.
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A young English mycologist with a passion for truth and science is somewhat apprehensively looking for his place in society and life after a youth of bullying and domestic troubles.
When the Russian CEO of "AI Corp" prepares for an invasion by a multi-planetary species through the development of artificial intelligence, Shawn is contacted by a hidden fungal alliance.
Now with the help of his mentor and the fungal beings, he has to surpass human limits to stop the invasion and save the lives of his friend, family, and ultimately all mankind.
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