6 episodes
Episode 1
MRWD prologue
Jun 05, 2017258 views
Episode 2
Act 1, scene 1
Jun 05, 2017121 views
Episode 3
Scene 2 (Rina)
Jun 06, 201769 views
Episode 4
Scene 3 (Amal)
Jun 08, 201782 views
Episode 5
Scene 4 (Jessy)
Jun 13, 2017112 views
Episode 6
Scene 5 (Antonio)
Jun 20, 201796 views
The state of Lynn, which was once the U.S., is swarming with the Resistance. The government does not want to let the group take over due to the "virus". This virus has an unknown source and 70% of the populace has it. There is a catch- if a person is truly in love, they wont be affected. This story will be told from seven points of view and each one learns, figures out, or discovers love in themselves or someone else.
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The state of Lynn, which was once the U.S., is swarming with the Resistance. The government does not want to let the group take over due to the "virus". This virus has an unknown source and 70% of the populace has it. There is a catch- if a person is truly in love, they wont be affected. This story will be told from seven points of view and each one learns, figures out, or discovers love in themselves or someone else.
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