5 episodes
Episode 1
sike noka
Jun 30, 20194.6k views
Episode 2
ma kasi
Aug 31, 2019440 views
Episode 3
jan laso
Nov 03, 2019707 views
Episode 4
tomo pi lupa kiwen
Feb 02, 2020505 views
Episode 5
meli ante
May 03, 2020460 views
A weird comic about weird creatures acting weird in a weird place. Also the first comic series ever fully in hieroglyphic toki pona. Featuring: a fierce rollerskating woman, alien erotism, metamorphosis, puzzling events, baffling storylines.
nasin nasa li sitelen pi toki pona kepeken nasin nimi sitelen sitelen.
Completed series
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A weird comic about weird creatures acting weird in a weird place. Also the first comic series ever fully in hieroglyphic toki pona. Featuring: a fierce rollerskating woman, alien erotism, metamorphosis, puzzling events, baffling storylines.
nasin nasa li sitelen pi toki pona kepeken nasin nimi sitelen sitelen.
Completed series
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