6 episodes
Episode 1
Chapter One: Drama (part 1)
Jun 21, 2020453 views
Episode 2
Chapter 1: Drama (Part 2)
Jun 21, 2020120 views
Episode 3
Chapter 2: Unlce Jethro (part 1)
Jun 21, 2020120 views
Episode 4
Chapter 2: Uncle Jethro (part 2)
Jun 21, 2020108 views
Episode 5
Chapter 3: Down the Rabbit Hole (Part 1)
Jun 23, 2020126 views
Episode 6
Chapter 3: Down the Rabbit Hole (part 2)
Jun 26, 2020134 views
Are you sad that you can't enjoy Harry Potter anymore because J.K. Rowling is a TERF? Why not fill the void with this novel, which is essentially about a non-white female Harry Potter in a Narnia type world written by a queer artist who affirms and supports everyone on the LGBTQ2PIA+ spectrum!
Everyone's family can get a little messy, Olivia's family is messier than most. Olivia thought it was just her and her dad against the world until she discovers that she has an extended family her father never told her about. After meeting her mysterious Uncle Jethro, Olivia learns that she comes from a long line of Mages and is beckoned to come to the magical land of Pandromir. Together with her best friend Charlotte, along with Sage and Dolan, some friends they meet along the way, Olivia uncovers her family's dark history in Pandromir and the legacy her grandmother has left on the land. Can the friends band together to overcome danger, prejudice, and the delicate political climate of this strange new world? Will they be able to defeat the Dark Mage? WILL SAGE AND DOLAN KISS ALREADY? Sheesh. This novel will have you turning pages as it defies expectations and lovingly pokes fun at some of the established tropes of the YA fantasy genre, while paying homage to many of the classics. If you love magic, pop culture references, and under represented demographics in literature, this novel is for you!
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Are you sad that you can't enjoy Harry Potter anymore because J.K. Rowling is a TERF? Why not fill the void with this novel, which is essentially about a non-white female Harry Potter in a Narnia type world written by a queer artist who affirms and supports everyone on the LGBTQ2PIA+ spectrum!
Everyone's family can get a little messy, Olivia's family is messier than most. Olivia thought it was just her and her dad against the world until she discovers that she has an extended family her father never told her about. After meeting her mysterious Uncle Jethro, Olivia learns that she comes from a long line of Mages and is beckoned to come to the magical land of Pandromir. Together with her best friend Charlotte, along with Sage and Dolan, some friends they meet along the way, Olivia uncovers her family's dark history in Pandromir and the legacy her grandmother has left on the land. Can the friends band together to overcome danger, prejudice, and the delicate political climate of this strange new world? Will they be able to defeat the Dark Mage? WILL SAGE AND DOLAN KISS ALREADY? Sheesh. This novel will have you turning pages as it defies expectations and lovingly pokes fun at some of the established tropes of the YA fantasy genre, while paying homage to many of the classics. If you love magic, pop culture references, and under represented demographics in literature, this novel is for you!
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