9 episodes
Episode 1
Apr 11, 201810.7k views
Episode 2
Jul 29, 20184.4k views
Episode 3
Jan 02, 20192.2k views
Episode 4
Feb 19, 20192.1k views
Episode 5
Last hunter
Sep 25, 2020675 views
Episode 6
Sep 25, 2020694 views
Episode 7
2 years ago
Sep 30, 2020660 views
Episode 8
Oct 10, 2020688 views
Episode 9
Nov 01, 20201.2k views
It’s dark in the city, but a light shines here in the deepest reaches of the night, kept lit by a ghoul hunter with a literal axe to grind. Yoyo spends every watchful night patrolling his territory, his sword at the ready to defend it from the ghouls that surge up from nowhere once darkness falls. Unearthly, uncontrollable, unstoppable: The monsters feed on human flesh, hunting down anyone in reach with brutal strength and thoughtless hunger. Only the efforts of the ghoul hunters keep the population at bay, though never completely eliminated.
Meanwhile, a number of disappearances begin to stir the citizens’ fears—friends and neighbors vanishing between one night and the next, despite ever more restrictive curfews, despite the ghoul hunters’ most desperate efforts to control the population.
Yoyo must move deeper into the city, into the darkness, to find the source of the growing horror. To find someone waiting for him there isn’t at all what he’d expected; to find that they’re waiting to lead him to the city’s rotten heart, the source of the evil plaguing their city, is even less so.
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It’s dark in the city, but a light shines here in the deepest reaches of the night, kept lit by a ghoul hunter with a literal axe to grind. Yoyo spends every watchful night patrolling his territory, his sword at the ready to defend it from the ghouls that surge up from nowhere once darkness falls. Unearthly, uncontrollable, unstoppable: The monsters feed on human flesh, hunting down anyone in reach with brutal strength and thoughtless hunger. Only the efforts of the ghoul hunters keep the population at bay, though never completely eliminated.
Meanwhile, a number of disappearances begin to stir the citizens’ fears—friends and neighbors vanishing between one night and the next, despite ever more restrictive curfews, despite the ghoul hunters’ most desperate efforts to control the population.
Yoyo must move deeper into the city, into the darkness, to find the source of the growing horror. To find someone waiting for him there isn’t at all what he’d expected; to find that they’re waiting to lead him to the city’s rotten heart, the source of the evil plaguing their city, is even less so.
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