Technocat was this close too lose her most important gadget as Technocat. Moonlight and his second-in-command Dark Wolf will stop at nothing to get Technocat’s techno-bracelet. Lioness and Static advises her to keep on the lookout for any suspicion but Technocat thinks everything will be fine.
POWER UP! is about three female superheroes who have three different super powers: One is magic, one is technology (yes it is, tell that to Batman!) and one is out of this world !They can handle the difficulty of balancing not-so normal life and fighting evil.
Despite living different lives, Skylar, Vee and Zalika POWER UP! to be an awesome superhero trio, Technocat, Static and Lioness to fight the treacheries of Dr. Hex, Saffiya and the Night Howler.
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