1 episode
In a distant future, where space exploration and time-jump technology have become a reality, we meet Kelsey Blackstar, an atypical boy who lives in Jord City, the only city on Earth inhabited by aliens known as Zkhayans. Kelsey possesses the supernatural power of Reminiscence, surrounded by a mysterious shadow that protects him in dangerous moments.
An unexpected encounter with a member of Von Voyage, a company of Giant Robots that travel through space and confront interdimensional threats, reveals to Kelsey thrilling battles and surprising betrayals. Kelsey must embark on his own journey of self-discovery and unravel the mystery of the shadowy being that surrounds him. With the help of new friends and unlikely allies, he becomes an unlikely hero.
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In a distant future, where space exploration and time-jump technology have become a reality, we meet Kelsey Blackstar, an atypical boy who lives in Jord City, the only city on Earth inhabited by aliens known as Zkhayans. Kelsey possesses the supernatural power of Reminiscence, surrounded by a mysterious shadow that protects him in dangerous moments.
An unexpected encounter with a member of Von Voyage, a company of Giant Robots that travel through space and confront interdimensional threats, reveals to Kelsey thrilling battles and surprising betrayals. Kelsey must embark on his own journey of self-discovery and unravel the mystery of the shadowy being that surrounds him. With the help of new friends and unlikely allies, he becomes an unlikely hero.
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