My hands shook with excitement as I straightened my hair. This is the year Devin will finally come through. I just know it!
Every year he forgets my birthday and our anniversary…even though they are on the same day...but that doesn’t matter because this year is different. I worked hard throughout the year to dropping little hints here and there, so he knew exactly what I wanted for my birthday. I may have been a little to on the nose when I told him I've wanted a surprise party since I was a little girl.
I finally got my hair to be the exact purple I wanted - it was a shade just a little bit darker than my lilac eyes, making them pop even more. All my preparations were complete for this wonderful day. Thinking about it now, maybe I was overdoing it when I sent Devin all those videos of people getting surprised on their birthdays. On second thought, its fine. Men need a little nudging sometimes. My man clearly needed it.
Sitting in front of my bathroom mirror, I grabbed my eyeshadow brush, dabbed it on the pallet and started applying it. Hopefully, he remembered to get the giant 3 and 5 numbers so I can take some cute pictures with them. Oh my gosh, there going to look so amazing! Finishing my eyeshadow, I moved on to making my eye wings. I grabbed my angle brush and dipped it into my eyeliner pot.
Lifting it to the outer edge of my eye, I drew the wings. I wonder if he remembered to invite Tiff. That woman does not know how to keep things to herself, so if he did I’m shocked she hasn’t slipped up yet. Even the thought of giving her handling classified government information sends shivers down my spine.It would be like giving nuclear codes to a chatty parrot.
That girl would single-handedly start World War 4 simply because she leaked the access key for the nuclear warheads at lunch. With both eye wings finished, I put the angle brush down and looked over at my waterproof mascara. I am going to be taking so many pictures tonight, I can't have them get ruined if I get emotional and start crying.
I stood in front of my bedroom mirror, deciding what I should wear. I held the red and black dress in front of me. Maybe this is a bit to formal for this, maybe I should go for something more comfortable. I picked up the second outfit and held it in front of me. It was a black leather jacket with a white blouse and ripped jeans. I could probably wear my combat boots with these.
Drowning in a sea of maybes, I decide to get some advice from my feline roommate, Whiskerton. He was always the best at picking my outfit for me. Leaving my room, I walked around my apartment to find him.
As I searched my apartment Whiskerton was nowhere in sight. My place wasn’t all that big, so there weren’t many places for him to hide. Each time I called out to him silence was the only thing that responded.
I felt a chill, and that’s when I noticed the window was open. Oh, wonderful he must have got out. This might be the best birthday ever!
Tiff is going to be mad at me because she was so happy when she gave him to me as a gift. I’ll break the news to her tomorrow when we meet up for coffee. Wait, we’re on the fifth floor. I hope he didn’t…nope not going to think about it.
I headed to my room, threw on the white blouse, ripped jeans, and put on my combat boots, with leather jacket in hand I left my apartment.
On the way to my car, I heard a chime from my phone. Devin sent me a text that read “Hey babe I’m home so you can come over whenever.” Look at him playing it cool like he didn’t plan the most amazing birthday surprise ever.
As I drove over to his apartment, I couldn’t help but tap the steering wheel as I sped down the Autobahn. Devin must have had an amazingly coordinated plan. Everyone has been playing it so cool. Mom and Dad sent their usual happy birthday letter, Tiff seemed like her normal self when we talked on the phone this morning. Even Devin didn’t slip up once. Devin didn’t wish me a happy birthday today, which makes sense. He can’t do anything out of the ordinary. That guy sure knows how to keep me on my toes.
However, he slipped up when he told me yesterday he’ll be leaving work early. He never leaves work early, so something was definitely up. I'm just so glad he got all the hints I dropped last year.
I found my regular spot outside Devin's apartment, then took the elevator up to his apartment. In the elevators mirror I rehearsed looking shocked. I had to at least pretend I didn't know anything.
When the elevator doors opened, I couldn’t help myself but to run to his apartment door. Composing myself and checking if my makeup was still good, I took out my key for his place and opened the door.
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