5 episodes
Episode 1
1 - 3
Jan 15, 201710.9k views
Episode 2
4 - 6
Jan 18, 20179.1k views
Episode 3
Marble classes - Professor Lyon
Jan 25, 20177.5k views
Episode 4
7 - 9
Jan 28, 20177.1k views
Episode 5
10 - 13
Feb 09, 20177.9k views
Puppets are strange and powerful creatures that can be controlled by the hands of a human. Each one has a unique ability and no two puppets are the same. No one knows where these creatures came from or why they seek out a master, but for some reason, all puppets seem to be capable of combat.
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Puppets are strange and powerful creatures that can be controlled by the hands of a human. Each one has a unique ability and no two puppets are the same. No one knows where these creatures came from or why they seek out a master, but for some reason, all puppets seem to be capable of combat.
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