1 episode
The story of a young wolf girl named Muchi that has been forgotten with time. She's been lost and abandoned into a world where no one is remembered, and she struggles to find a reason to continue existing. After an argument with her only friend in her life she finds a mysterious book land in the front of her home. From the moment she places her hands on the book she feels a change in her meaningless life. With an encounter with an unusual, but familiar face her story can finally begin.
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Hi everyone,
I guess I should write something here so it doesn't sound super generic or appear blank.
Um, I just really want to tell my stories and make people smile with my work even with my bleak personality. I don't want to say give me your money, but rather if you want to support me (or any creator for that matter) please feel free to do so. The ink program is designed for people who don't have the income to give out actual cash to still support their favorite content creators, and it's really easy to do (if the service is actually working in your area...). So if you got the time I encourage you to watch a couple crappy ads and throw some ink at your favorite creators to give us some support.
While I have the ambition to continue making Ivolice and JODDAS VAPD (maybe my third series down the long, long road) I wouldn't mind the lil extra support, but I don't wish to force it on ya.
Anyways thanks for reading this... wherever it shows up.
The story of a young wolf girl named Muchi that has been forgotten with time. She's been lost and abandoned into a world where no one is remembered, and she struggles to find a reason to continue existing. After an argument with her only friend in her life she finds a mysterious book land in the front of her home. From the moment she places her hands on the book she feels a change in her meaningless life. With an encounter with an unusual, but familiar face her story can finally begin.
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