6 episodes
Episode 1
Oct 15, 2017539 views
Episode 2
The Raffle - Part 1
Oct 16, 2017189 views
Episode 3
The Raffle - Part 2
Oct 16, 2017186 views
Episode 4
The Twenty-First Imperial Hunter - Part 1
Jan 15, 2018130 views
Episode 5
The Twenty-First Imperial Hunter - Part 2
Jan 31, 2018124 views
Episode 6
The Twenty-First Imperial Hunter - Part 3
Feb 07, 2018158 views
*AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a story I started to write years ago with a good friend. All of this has been rewritten solely by me.*
In the year 1814, The Empress, Maria Vasquez's, Senior Inventor, Kole Tasker, turned corrupt and fled from London. As he did so, he destroyed their security systems, leaving the ever-growing city undefended.
It is now 1856, and news has reached the Empress's ears that Kole is planning to destroy London, and use it as base for his latest invention, an inter-dimensional jumper.
Maria's daughter, Ariannya, or Anya, has been picked to find Kole and stop his plans. She is reluctant, preferring her aristocratic lifestyle.
Will Anya live to take her claim on the throne, or will she and London both go up in steam?
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*AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a story I started to write years ago with a good friend. All of this has been rewritten solely by me.*
In the year 1814, The Empress, Maria Vasquez's, Senior Inventor, Kole Tasker, turned corrupt and fled from London. As he did so, he destroyed their security systems, leaving the ever-growing city undefended.
It is now 1856, and news has reached the Empress's ears that Kole is planning to destroy London, and use it as base for his latest invention, an inter-dimensional jumper.
Maria's daughter, Ariannya, or Anya, has been picked to find Kole and stop his plans. She is reluctant, preferring her aristocratic lifestyle.
Will Anya live to take her claim on the throne, or will she and London both go up in steam?
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