The air was freezing, I could bearly breathe. I need to ignore the cold though, focus on the target. The dress I have on is the one I wore for the first mission I've ever done. Black with red lace at the bottom, the dress is short but cute. I stand out with everyone wearing something bright.
My target, a male, tall, dirty blonde, green eyes, has killed over fifty people. I walk up to my target, he looks at me up and down and bites his lips. 'ugh' I think to myself.
"Hey there," he says with a big grin on his face as he winks.
"...Hello." I say, how am I going to do this? Bring him to my car, no that's too messy. Bring him inside a room? I can handcuff him to something and shoot him? I guess I'll do that then.
"You wanna get a room?" I say trying to act like I wanted to fuck.
"Hah! I thought you'd never ask." He said walking inside a building where a party was being hosted.
When we got to an unoccupied room I locked the door and looked through my purse. I pulled out some handcuffs.
"So you're freaky?" he laughed and winked again.
He laid on the bed and I handcuffed him.
"Ow! Make them a little loose!" He said as I made them tighter.
I didn't respond, I got the gun from my bag and pointed it at him.
"You bitch!" He yelled, "You won't shoot! I'll fuck you up!" He continued.
I looked at him with a cold eye and..BANG..Blood. I cleaned up some evidence and called my boss.
"Jobs done. Get the cleanup, room 204." I said walking out the building.
"That was quick. good job Red." My boss said.
"Don't call me 'Red'..sir." I hated the name Red, I don't know why though.
"Sure, Sure." He said as he hung up.
(tO bE cOnTiNuEd)
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