Blood spilt, wars with both clans because of the disappearing scroll of unity. the scroll controls the creation of the world , whoever has it is able to to do things beyond any power. One day the clan leader of tenshi made a mistake by stealing the scroll and got caught by the jigoku clan, starting a war that will change their harmony for a longtime. But one day in the year 4005, 200 years after the battle, a child of the tenshi clan was born to change the rage of clans, leading him to the fate no one desire’s...
“Our heir to the clan!”
A child crying in his mother’s arms, hugging the child with love and affection.
“We shall name him Izumi! Heir to the Tenshi thrown!” Yuma shouted
The loyal subjects within tenshi cheered in aww for the newborn. As the new born spreads its wings the people gasped in shock.
“His wings...” his mother said in disgust. “His wings are… black!”
All tenshi people have white or silver wings. Only one person had Black wings. That was Yokubou the tenshi leader that had led a bloody war. But that was 200 years ago.
“Calm down! People of tenshi I shall grieve upon with you! This child is not the heir… for he will cause great suffering as once 200 years ago! I shall get rid of this child and in hopes he won’t make the wilderness as a young child. I promise you all there will be a rightful heir to the teshi!”
As everyone cheered and Yuma led the people of tenshi he held the baby close to him and hoped to not let him go. As he laid the Izumi on the forest floor and left him to die. After a few hours passed Yuma rushed to see if his first born child was still alive. Crying wails of izumi ringed in his ears. He got closer and held him.
“Why are you born with this… this curse? A child left alone because of his wings.”
Yuma thought and thought…
“What can I do? I don't want my first born dead”
Then he realized he knew someone who looked after Leader Yokubou…
He went to Kaen Village and found Hisao, the village doctor. He knocked on the door late at night. He answered…
“Leader Yuma what brings you here in the south parts?”
“My son… he has the yokubou curse. I left him for dead. I knew you worked for Yokubou, please help my son. ”
Yuma begged and cried for what he’d done to his child.
“I will certainly look after him, clan leader. With all my strength and power i have left”
Bowing before his leader he took the child and went inside. Yuma left, tears in his eyes.
“My brother you were to naive and wanting power now my child might continue your hatred for peace”
As years went by Izumi grew up as a young capable man. One day particularly on his 15th birthday Hisao told him the truth about him and his parents.
“Your father came here 15 years ago seeking help from me to take you in because of the wings you have. They are the same as yokubou’s, your uncle.”
“My parents thought I was cursed because of my wings. And I was abandoned by my own mother and father.” Izumi said
Looking at his blackened wings. But he knew his was different.
“You see he is the leader of the Tenshi clan. When you are old enough we will meet your father and discuss anything that needs to be confronted.”
He looked Izumi in the eye hoping he would understand.
In surprise Izumi felt a pain in his chest. A feeling he never felt, like a sense of happiness. He hugged Hisao and went to go to sleep because he had school.
“Hisao would you paint my feathers today please!”
“Yes I’m coming.”
Hisao quickly used his power to create white feathers for one week so Izumi could go to school as well.
“You're going to be late, fly there ok?!”
“Yes! I'm going bye!”
Izumi ran out the door flying really fast. It took only 1 min to get there if he flew fast. 20 minutes at a regular speed. He went to school and played after school. Though he didn't have friends he looked out into the forest of Ikimono. He saw a figure moving within the trees and he stealthy flew towards it and shot him down with a push.
“Ow... what was that for?”
The boy looked at Izumi gazing into his eyes and seeing what he was feeling.
“I sense you are lonely and in pain. I also sense excitement and grieve.”
“You are very strange”
The boy got up, brushed himself off and introduced himself.
“Hello my name is Yeong Jigoku. I happened to be lost. I am a disciple here learning the way here so my clan can improve ourselves for the better. Who might you be?”
“I am Izumi tenshi, I am nothing more than just a high school student here.”
He looked at Izumi once more and felt he seemed interesting.
“If you need help finding your way back to gakushuu I can surely help. I know where everything is. ”
Smiling at Yeong. He felt he has made a friend.
“Yes please though I dont have classes today so I just wanted to look around and got lost in the forest. ”
Izumi thought of a good idea. He thought if he showed him around maybe he’ll be familiar with the surroundings. He grabbed Yeong’s wrist and flew up to the sky.
“Hey! I can fly, you know.”
“Fly now then.”
Yeong flapped his wings and looked at Izumi with a glare. Izumi looked at his wings curiously. They weren’t covered in feather’s like his are, but instead fairy-like wings.
“Your wings... ”
“My brother told me that I’m the only Jigoku that has this type of wing”
“Your wings are a beautiful light blue and green. Are you supposed to have 4 wings?”
“No. my color and wings aren't supposed to be fairy wings but wings like smooth and easy to glide in the winds.”
They stopped talking about Yeong’s wings and flew to Kaen village.
“So your wings are white. Why aren’t you living near Leader Yuma’s castle?”
“I like it here, more than anywhere.” Izumi said blushing a little
“I see. But I can see you in pain but I can't find why, but I do know it’s about your wings.”
“How would you know it’s about my wings?”
“We all have our own abilities. Mine is sensing anything that happens or feeling. What is yours?”
“I don’t know actually. It could be my speed… i am able to get to school in one minute but if i'm not in a hurry it takes 20 minute. Is that my ability?”
“I can sense not just that. You have more than one.”
“Your wings are different from others i've seen but i don't know what makes you different...” Yeong said
After some time Izumi couldn’t tell him about his curse and what pained him. He Izumi just kept silent. After a few hours of showing him around they went to Izumi’s home.
“Your back Izumi!”
“Yeah, and I brought a Friend!”
Hisao came out of the house and saw a boy with strange fairy-like wings.
“Your wings are magnificent. I have never seen this before. Surely you're not in the tenshi clan are you? ”
“No sir I’m not”
“You can call me Hisao. Do please come in.”
“How lovely your home is.”
“Thank you. I just finished making dinner. Would you like to stay and eat and maybe stay over and talk with Izumi?”
“Yes he would!”
Hisao sets the table with dinner with the help of Izumi and yeong. They ate dinner and went to their rooms to sleep.
“I’ll sleep on the floor so you can take my bed.”
“Your bed is big enough for the both of us. Why don’t we sleep together?”
“I will probably move in my sleep and you might wake up to it.”
“I won’t mind.”
They argued and ended up Izumi sleeping on the floor. As Izumi fell asleep Yeong looked at him and wondered about him and his pains.
“Good night...”
The next morning Yeong woke up looking at the time and woke Izumi up. Hisao was still sleeping. So they left the house and went to gakushuu.
“Here is gakushuu. Remember and visit me anytime!”
Izumi flew away to go to school. While in class he kept thinking about whether or not Yeong is okay where he was dropped off.
After a year had passed. Izumi and Yeong’s friendship grew. Yeong always visited and had fun with Izumi.
“Hey! Give it back!”
Yeong laughed while Izumi stole his pouch of coins. Trying to get his pouch back, running away from Yeong he slipped and landed on top of Yeong.
“Ahh, sorry”
Laying on the floor Yeong’s heart was beating faster than normal. He touched his heart.
“What’s this?”
Yeong felt his heart slow down after some time.
“Yeong look! They're selling Dango, let's go get some.”
Izumi took Yeong’s hand and went near the stall. There it is that feeling again. Yeong felt his body warming up and he started blushing.
“One dango please.”
Only three Dango sticks inside. Izumi took one out and held it for for Yeong to eat.
“ it tastes delicious.”
Smiling at Yeong he was glad that he enjoyed it.
“It’s my favorite dessert here in Tenshi.”
As weeks passed, Izumi’s birthday was coming. Yeong was ready for his birthday. He went to a shop to buy him an anklet or ring. He went to an unusual store.
“I would like to buy a gift for someone. Do you have anything special?”
“I have magical items. I have a beautiful necklace, take a look.”
Yeong looked at the necklace that had patterns, and he saw a similar necklace next to it.
“I would like to buy these two” Yeong asked
“Ah these are necklaces that always makes lovers find each other even after death. Would you still like to buy it?”
Yeong thought if anything happened to Izumi he would always find him.
“Yes I want them both.”
“25 coins.”
He paid and wrapped the gift.
“Today I’m finally 16”
Izumi dashed out and went to gakushuu. He flew as fast as he could. He saw Yeong and seized him. Yeong looked at who took him.
“Hey let me go!”
Yeong started to move around in his hands and Izumi lost grip and they tumbled in a patch of grass. Yeong stood up and pounced on Izumi.
“Happy Birthday”
Izumi smiled. They got off the floor, Yeong pulled his gift out.
“Your Birthday present. It goes well with you.”
Yeong smiled with such joy, Izumi loved his gift. Izumi put his necklace next Yeong’s and saw Yeong has a similar necklace.
“ they look the same.”
Izumi grabbed his necklace and placed it next to each other. Yeong’s heart was racing.
“This feeling again” he thought
He touched his heart feeling and hearing his pulse going up.
“They are very similar but they’re different.” Izumi said
Izumi let go of Yeong’s hand and walked near Food stalls in Ichiba.
“These necklaces make us like we’re a couple or something.”
Yeong looked and what Izumi said was true.
“Yeo! Look Leader Yuma is here.”
“That isn’t leader Yuma, it's his son, Yukio.”
Izumi flew up along with Yeong, they went to Hisao and had dinner and slept.
“Could we talk afterwards?”
Izumi whispered to Hisao. Yeong fell asleep, Izumi crept out of the room and talked to Hisao.
“Hisao, i saw my brother today. He looks like he is the same age as me.”
Hisao looked at Izumi in shock.
“He was born a few months after you were with me.”
“He is my younger brother...”
Yeong woke up the next day feeling a warm body next to him. He looked at what it was and saw it was Izumi. His heart started beating faster than normal. He kept looking at izumi, his long soft white hair was touching him. In the corner of his eyes he saw his wings change color. Gasping at wings, he saw they turned from white to black. Thinking to himself.
“How could I have not noticed. One year I haven't known. ”
Yeong knew a magic power that would be able to make his wings white for a few hours. So he quickly casts the spell and in hopes Izumi won’t wake.
After he was done with the magic power he woke Izumi up.
“Izumi time to wake up”
He said with a smile trying to cover his tiredness of the spell he casted upon Izumi.
“Morning ”
Stretching in the sunny morning.
“Breakfast is ready! Afterwards go get some vegetables and meat please.”
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