It's... a cold dark world out here in space. Millions upon billions of people died right before our eyes and really the only thing we can do is come aboard this pile of shit looking for another pile of shit to call home again. Its currently 2122 approximately thirty years after it set sail in this black empty void. Honestly looking out the window is like looking at the amount of hope I have left, which is next to none.
It's not like I don't care the world ended, I do! I'd just wish I was one of the ones they left behind so I wouldn't hear-
-that... That's Moron-ica, I call her that because she lacks so much intelligence it makes an autistic four year old look like Albert god damn Einstein. She tends to distract me while I'm working and catch me on the most random of occasions...
AH SHIT! Moron-ica just released the last god damn escape-pod!
"Funny story! I pressed this big red button and I thought I would get ice cream also what's a slut?"
"Bend over and I'll get the guys and I'll show you!"
sorry bout that... anyway I should get going and make sure this retard doesn't control the ship and crashes it into the face of mar- SHIT SHE'S DOING THAT RIGHT NOW!!!
this has been the captain of Earth 2122 signing out.
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