2 episodes
After a devastating nuclear war, the world is plagued by the emergence of monsters and mysterious portals that claim countless lives. In the midst of this chaos, a new breed of humans with extraordinary abilities known as Espers has emerged. These Espers are regulated and guided by individuals known as Guides, who possess the unique ability to control their powers.
Gabriel Laurent, a newly graduated Guide, is assigned to his first mission with Team S&A, a renowned group of elite Espers and Guides. Despite his apprehension towards Espers due to a traumatic event from his past, Gabriel is determined to succeed in his mission. Fortunately, his cousin Natalia Ivanova and her two partners, Sasha Gallagher and Henry Lefebvre, are also part of the team and provide him with much-needed support.
As they embark on their dangerous mission through monster-infested areas and treacherous portals, Gabriel finds himself drawn to the charismatic and confident Leonardo Ricci, the Esper leader of Team S&A. Despite Gabriel's attempts to keep his distance, Leonardo persists in pursuing him, and Gabriel begins to question his own emotions and past.
As the mission becomes increasingly perilous, Gabriel must confront his inner demons and decide whether to open his heart to Leonardo or risk shattering it forever.
Will Gabriel and his team be able to complete their mission and emerge unscathed from the dangers that lie ahead?
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After a devastating nuclear war, the world is plagued by the emergence of monsters and mysterious portals that claim countless lives. In the midst of this chaos, a new breed of humans with extraordinary abilities known as Espers has emerged. These Espers are regulated and guided by individuals known as Guides, who possess the unique ability to control their powers.
Gabriel Laurent, a newly graduated Guide, is assigned to his first mission with Team S&A, a renowned group of elite Espers and Guides. Despite his apprehension towards Espers due to a traumatic event from his past, Gabriel is determined to succeed in his mission. Fortunately, his cousin Natalia Ivanova and her two partners, Sasha Gallagher and Henry Lefebvre, are also part of the team and provide him with much-needed support.
As they embark on their dangerous mission through monster-infested areas and treacherous portals, Gabriel finds himself drawn to the charismatic and confident Leonardo Ricci, the Esper leader of Team S&A. Despite Gabriel's attempts to keep his distance, Leonardo persists in pursuing him, and Gabriel begins to question his own emotions and past.
As the mission becomes increasingly perilous, Gabriel must confront his inner demons and decide whether to open his heart to Leonardo or risk shattering it forever.
Will Gabriel and his team be able to complete their mission and emerge unscathed from the dangers that lie ahead?
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