5 episodes
Episode 1
Prologue Arc: Story of the Forest Keeper
Mar 18, 202518 views
Episode 2
Mar 19, 202527 views
Episode 3
When the Sun Burns Vermillion
Mar 19, 20257 views
Episode 4
Cottage at Sunset
Mar 19, 202522 views
Episode 5
Whistle through the Woods
Mar 21, 20253 views
In a world where magic prevails against all else, Aurelie "Relly" Erwin attends the prestigious Academy of Hexaneus, where humans and demihumans alike can become proficient in all manners of spellcasting. As an orphan raised in a forgotten, remote forest, she would soon discover a far bigger world with intriguing mysteries waiting to be uncovered. Thus begins her journey of finding every spell there ever was, while also befriending a lycan mercenary, who accompanies her as she weaves the threads of fate with her own two hands.
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In a world where magic prevails against all else, Aurelie "Relly" Erwin attends the prestigious Academy of Hexaneus, where humans and demihumans alike can become proficient in all manners of spellcasting. As an orphan raised in a forgotten, remote forest, she would soon discover a far bigger world with intriguing mysteries waiting to be uncovered. Thus begins her journey of finding every spell there ever was, while also befriending a lycan mercenary, who accompanies her as she weaves the threads of fate with her own two hands.
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