3 episodes
Episode 1
Jun 04, 2021356 views
Episode 2
Chapter one
Jun 04, 2021130 views
Episode 3
Chapter 2
Jun 04, 202186 views
Salem has always seemed as though something was off with him like something was missing. He always knew that he was adopted it was obvious when he looked at his parents, and he was ok with it he was content with not knowing who his birth parents were his life was happy and good, but when he turned 18 something changed something he couldn't explain, he experienced intense pain and he needed to know why even if it changed everything, He must take on the family work and became a mercenary to find the information he so desperately needs.
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Salem has always seemed as though something was off with him like something was missing. He always knew that he was adopted it was obvious when he looked at his parents, and he was ok with it he was content with not knowing who his birth parents were his life was happy and good, but when he turned 18 something changed something he couldn't explain, he experienced intense pain and he needed to know why even if it changed everything, He must take on the family work and became a mercenary to find the information he so desperately needs.
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