1 episode
Kaleb wakes up from yet another set of heart wrenching dreams of his lover. His lover whom he only ever gets to spend so much time with. See, theirs is a special love. Kaleb is an immortal and his lover, Spencer, is of a strange branch of creature. He is in a reincarnating circle, leaving Kaleb every time he finds his soul mate, the one he is bonded to. The worst part for the pair is Spencer never seems to remember his past lives, including falling in love over and over with Kaleb.
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Kaleb wakes up from yet another set of heart wrenching dreams of his lover. His lover whom he only ever gets to spend so much time with. See, theirs is a special love. Kaleb is an immortal and his lover, Spencer, is of a strange branch of creature. He is in a reincarnating circle, leaving Kaleb every time he finds his soul mate, the one he is bonded to. The worst part for the pair is Spencer never seems to remember his past lives, including falling in love over and over with Kaleb.
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