Have you ever watched the sunset, wondering what it’s like to disappear for one second, being the most important topic in someone’s life, and then to disappear as though you didn’t exist in the first place?
That’s how I feel every day. One minute I was the talk of the school, then one bad secret got let out by the red-headed Jessica, but what she doesn’t know is that I know her secret too. I've just been waiting for the right time.
Let me explain. I might sound like an evil witch, but what she did was uncalled for. She had no right. So, as I said, me and Jessica were besties all throughout elementary and middle school. We did everything together. Shared food, shared secrets, etc.—everything you do with your best friend.
Highschool. The time when everyone changes. Find their group. The one they most belonged to. Girls and boys are getting glow-ups. Changing who they were before.
Me and Jessica weren't seen like most girls in elementary and middle school. We were seen as freaks because we hadn’t fully developed into “women.”.
At the time, we didn’t care. High school changed us. Well, me, more importantly.
When we first began high school, we stuck to each other like glue to paper. But paper and glue can come apart.
Long-story short I got invited one day to hang with what freshmen thought were the big dogs, "Seniors." Everybody who was a freshman thought I was all cool, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like the attention.
With time, I stopped hanging with Jessica. She became quiet, resentful, and a rebel. A nobody. She was jealous that I became someone and she didn’t. It sounds selfish on my end, but listen. Shouldn’t your friend support your success?
I’d talk to her from time to time, but anytime I would, she would totally blow me off. She made it clear that she didn’t want anything to do with me. At the time, I just thought she was having problems at home and couldn’t talk about them, but low and behold, I was wrong.
After that, we just fell out of bounds. I stopped coming around her house, calling, and messaging. She did the same.
Now let’s come back to reality. I am sitting here at the school lunch table. Looking as lonely as ever. I watched as everyone around me was laughing and smiling, but when one bad or wrong thing gets told about that person, they’ll completely leave you. You won’t be the person laughing anymore. You’ll be the one crying on the floor in the bathroom. Eat alone until you get used to the fact that no one wants to associate with you just because of a rumor or party.
“OW!!” I looked up, looking at the source. Of course, if you haven’t already guessed, Miss Leprechaun is digging for some gold. She was standing there smirking in her Jimmy Choo Cass Patent Leather Pumps, white and black plaid skirt, and black polo shirt.
Her family, over time, became millionaires. That's when she started becoming a snob and exposing secrets. Thinking she was better than everybody.
“Uh oh. I thought you were the trash can.” She said, taking her pointer finger and putting it slightly on her lip, looking down at me and smiling. With that, she walked away.
I’ve learned not to say anything to her. If you did know any better, you wouldn’t even dare say hi. Knowing her, she thinks you're out for her if you compliment her. Maybe it's my fault. I treated her the exact same way. It wasn’t like I wanted to.
At the time, I wanted to prove that I was bad. I had no feelings; I wanted to be more than what I already was, but that came with a price, and it was my time to pay.
I would tell you what the price was, but that would involve another 10 pages. It wouldn’t be best to do so anyway. People here are fake and would do anything to become the next topic.
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